Contribute to the Department
Please make a donation to the Department of Political Science. Your support is critical to our efforts to provide outstanding programs and opportunities for our students and faculty.
Giving online is easy! The following links provide a secure portal to the specific fund listed, after donation you will receive a tax receipt from the UNM Foundation. We sincerely appreciate your support. Thank you!
Undergraduate Student Scholarship/Internship Funds
- Dorothy Cline Endowed Memorial Scholarship (602840)
- Donations to this fund support departmental scholarship funding for political science majors studying American politics, American government, public policy, or political theory.
- This fund offers both an undergraduate and graduate award.
- Donations to this fund support departmental scholarship funding for political science majors studying American politics, American government, public policy, or political theory.
- Miriam Grunsfeld Scholarship Fund (630030)
- Donations to this fund support departmental scholarship funding for two political science majors per year.
- Donations to this fund support departmental scholarship funding for two political science majors per year.
- Endowed UNM Fred Harris Congressional Internship Program Fund (610803)
- Donations to this fund support the development of an endowment to ensure the Fred Harris US Congressional Internship program can continue in pertpetuity.
- Donations to this fund support the development of an endowment to ensure the Fred Harris US Congressional Internship program can continue in pertpetuity.
- Ruben Hernandez Endowed Scholarship (610742)
- Donations to this fund support departmental scholarship funding for a political science major who graduated from a NM highschool, or has established a significant connection to New Mexico.
- In addition, the student must demonstrate a commitment to the Hispanic community, as well as a history of community involvement with intention to serve the Hispanic community after graduation.
- Henry Randolph Johnston Memorial Scholarship Fund (606470)
- Donations to this fund support departmental scholarship funding for political science majors who are graduates of a New Mexico or Texas high school, or are residents of New Mexico or Texas at the time of admission to UNM.
- Donations to this fund support departmental scholarship funding for political science majors who are graduates of a New Mexico or Texas high school, or are residents of New Mexico or Texas at the time of admission to UNM.
- Frances Lee Memorial Scholarship in Political Science (601970)
- Donations to this fund support departmental scholarship funding for political science majors entering their junior year of undergraduate education.
- Donations to this fund support departmental scholarship funding for political science majors entering their junior year of undergraduate education.
- Issa Sakaki Merrill Scholarship and Student Support Fund (610173)
- Donations to this fund support departmental scholarship funding for political science majors with a concentration in peace studies and a background and interest in conflict, conflict resolution, and peacemaking.
- Donations to this fund support departmental scholarship funding for political science majors with a concentration in peace studies and a background and interest in conflict, conflict resolution, and peacemaking.
- Rose Rudin Roosa Endowment Scholarship (630220)
- Donations to this fund support departmental scholarship funding for political science majors with a history of interest in the development of good citizenship.
- Donations to this fund support departmental scholarship funding for political science majors with a history of interest in the development of good citizenship.
Graduate Student Fellowship Funds
- Dylan Balch-Lindsay Memorial Fund for Graduate Education in Political Science (606550)
- Donations to this fund support a departmental graduate student fellowship that covers a variety of graduate student direct research activities.
- Donations to this fund support a departmental graduate student fellowship that covers a variety of graduate student direct research activities.
- Dorothy Cline Endowed Memorial Scholarship (602840)
- Donations to this fund support departmental scholarship funding for funding for Ph.D. studentsstudying American politics, American government, public policy, or political theory.
- This fund offers both an undergraduate and graduate award.
- Michael Wallerstein Award (610180)
- Donations to this fund support departmental scholarship funding for Ph.D. students within any Political Science subfield, working on political economy.
Faculty Support Funds
- J.E. (Jake Eugene) Gallegos Endowed Lectureship in Mexican and Central American Political Science (600780)
- Political Science Program Fund (202091)
- Center for the Study of Voting, Elections and Democracy (202334)
- Political Science Faculty Research (200260)
- Donations to this fund provides financial support to Political Science Faculty for research related expenditures.
- Donations to this fund provides financial support to Political Science Faculty for research related expenditures.
- Dr. Arthur White Memorial Endowment in Political Science (620070)
- Donations to this fund provides financial support to Political Science Faculty for research and teaching related expenditures.
Faculty Memorial Funds
- Mala Htun Memorial Academic Fund (Fund Number TBA)
- Distinguished Professor Mala Htun was an accomplished scholar whose work reshaped our understanding of comparative politics, gender, and social inequality. Your support will honor the memory and enduring legacy of Mala Htun’s remarkable contributions to the Department of Political Science at UNM and service to the University.
- All support through this effort is being held in the Political Science General Fund temporarily until the Mala Nani Htun academic endowment is established in Spring 2025.
You can also give via check, payable to the "UNM Foundation". Enter the fund name and number (found above) on the memo line. All checks may be mailed to: UNM Foundation, 700 Lomas NE, Ste 108, Albuquerque, NM 87102.
If you need assistance or are interested in other funding opportunities for the UNM Department of Political Science, please contact Yolanda Dominguez, College of Arts & Sciences Development Officer at or 505-277-3194.