Major and Minor Requirements

Major Study Requirements

A total of 36 hours is required for a major in political science. These hours must be distributed among the following:

  1. Twelve hours from the core courses (1120, 2110, 2120, 2130, 2150 and 2140), including at least one course from each of the following groups: (1120 or 2150), (2110 or 2120) and (2130 or 2140); and
  2. Twenty-one hours from courses numbered 300 or above; and
  3. Three additional hours from any level.

A grade of C or better is required in all political science courses counted toward the major. Only three credit hours of POLS 2996 is permitted toward the major. However, students may enroll in additional hours of POLS 2996 and count them as electives.

To view the Political Science major degree map click here.



Minor Study Requirements

A total of 24 hours, including at least three of the core courses and four courses numbered 300 or above, is required for a minor in political science. A grade of C or better is required in all courses counted toward the minor. Only three credit hours of POLS 2996 are permitted toward the minor. Additional/excess hours of POLS 2996 may be counted as Arts & Sciences electives.

The College of Arts and Sciences

The bachelor of arts degree in political science is granted by the College of Arts and Sciences. Students interested in declaring a major or a minor in political science should consult Cory Muñoz or Katherine Rickers, the Academic Advisors, at, for admission requirements as well as general and graduation requirements.