Undergraduate Course Schedule
Spring 2025 Undergraduate Course Schedule
CRN | Subject | Course | Section | Title | Days | Time | Instructor |
47558 | POLS | 400 | 002 | Adv T: Global Trends &Natl Sec | TR | 1100-1215 | Michael Flaherty |
51113 | POLS | 1120 | 001 | American National Government | TR | 1100-1215 | Jessica Feezell |
51119 | POLS | 2110 | 001 | Comparative Politics | MWF | 1000-1050 | Jami Nunez |
51141 | POLS | 2140 | 001 | Intro Political Analysis | TR | 0930-1045 | Sarah Dreier |
56440 | POLS | 300 | 001 | T: Congress & Representation | ARRANGED | Sarah Dreier | |
56441 | POLS | 300 | 006 | T: Congressional Processes | ARRANGED | Michael Rocca | |
58803 | POLS | 340 | 002 | T: Insurgencies & Rebellions | ONLINE MAX | Yury Bosin | |
59566 | POLS | 400 | 001 | Adv T: WMD & Non Proliferatn | MW | 1230-1345 | Cassiano Endres De Oliveira |
59579 | POLS | 2130 | 001 | Intro Political Theory | MWF | 1200-1250 | William Barnes |
79920 | POLS | 300 | 002 | T: Transitional Justice | TR | 1230-1345 | Kathy Powers |
79921 | POLS | 315 | 001 | Constitutional Law-Powers | TR | 1530-1645 | Lawrence Jones |
79923 | POLS | 2150 | 001 | Public Policy & Administration | TR | 1400-1515 | Eric Griego |
79924 | POLS | 373 | 001 | Pol Policy & Mgmt Local Govt | TR | 1230-1345 | Eric Griego |
79926 | POLS | 2140 | 003 | Intro Political Analysis | MW | 0830-0945 | Wendy Hansen |
79927 | POLS | 342 | 001 | American Foreign Policy | MWF | 1100-1150 | Mark Peceny |
79969 | POLS | 377 | 001 | Population Policy & Politics | TR | 0930-1045 | Deborah McFarlane |
79996 | POLS | 496 | 001 | Population Policy & Pol | TR | 0930-1045 | Deborah McFarlane |
79997 | POLS | 496 | 002 | Global Trends & Natl Sec | TR | 1100-1215 | Michael Flaherty |
79998 | POLS | 496 | 003 | The Craft of Policy Analysis | W | 0900-1130 | Michael Rocca |
79999 | POLS | 496 | 004 | Advanced Statistical Analysis | M | 0900-1145 | Loren Collingwood |
80033 | POLS | 300 | 003 | Probs in Pub Pol & Gov Regs | MWF | 1300-1350 | Wendy Hansen |
80039 | POLS | 2120 | 001 | International Relations | MWF | 1400-1450 | Mark Peceny |
80046 | POLS | 496 | 005 | US Racial & Ethnic Politics | R | 0900-1145 | Gabriel Sanchez |
80050 | POLS | 496 | 006 | Human Rights | T | 1300-1545 | Sarah Dreier |
80385 | POLS | 308 | 001 | Hispanics in US Politics | MWF | 1000-1050 | Gabriel Martinez |
80598 | POLS | 303 | 002 | Law in the Political Community | ONLINE MAX | Peter Kierst | |
80599 | POLS | 320 | 001 | T: MidEast Pol & Societies | ONLINE MAX | Yury Bosin | |
80654 | POLS | 400 | 003 | Adv T:Everyday Life Under Soci | MWF | 1100-1150 | Melissa Bokovoy |
80818 | POLS | 400 | 004 | Adv T: Hlth & Soc Inequalty Lb | ONLINE MAX | Jessica Goodkind | |
80819 | POLS | 340 | 006 | T: Hlth & Social Inequalts II | MW | 0900-1045 | Jessica Goodkind |
SCHEDULE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE - Please review the online schedule for the most up to date information. |