Lawrence Jones

Adjunct Professor

Photo: Lawrence Jones
Personal Website
Curriculum vitae
JD, Hofstra University Law School, 1987


Lawrence R. Jones retired from the New Jersey Judiciary in 2017, after serving the public as a Superior Court Judge. During his years  on the Bench, he  served as the President of the New Jersey Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NJCJFCJ), and authored over 60 opinions on novel issues of law. Following his years in the Judiciary,  he was appointed by N.J. Governor-elect Phil Murphy to serve on his gubernatorial transition team relative to legal issues and social justice.  Thereafter, Professor  Jones was appointed to teach at  Monmouth University and Montclair University.  In 2020,  he was appointed to Monmouth University President’s Council on Diversity and Inclusion.  

He served on the New Jersey State Bar Association’s Legal Education Committee, and also served  as the Vice-President and former director/legislative liaison on the Dispute Resolution Council . He was also appointed to the Board of Directors of the New Jersey Association of Professional Mediators. In his post-Judicial career, he authored the 10–part “Settlement Series” for the New Jersey Law Journal, which focuses on techniques for improving the possibility of settling high-conflict cases.

In 2022,  Professor Jones and his family  relocated to New Mexico.  In addition to  teaching at University of New Mexico, he was recently appointed by the New Mexico Supreme Court as the Vice-Chair of the Court's Statewide Commission on Alternative Dispute Resolution, and is a guest educator with the New Mexico Coalition Against Domestic Violence.  Professor Jones is also the co-creator and author of Point C, a public service educational resource regarding contentious  family court litigation  regarding children. He  presents extensively on issues relating to domestic violence, family court issues involving children with autism,  cultural competency and sensitivity, animal law issues, and other  legal  subjects  as well.