Deborah R. McFarlane


Photo: Deborah McFarlane
Curriculum vitae
SSCO 2047
Drop In Hours: 
SP25: Wednesday 10a-11:30a; Saturday 10a-12p, or by appointment (both in-person and through Zoom)
PhD, University of Texas, 1983

Research Area/s:

Public Policy


Dr. Deborah R. McFarlane is a Professor and Regents Lecturer at the University of New Mexico. She holds a doctorate in public health (DrPH, Health Policy and Management) from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, an MPA (Public Administration and Policy) from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, and an MPH (Population and Reproductive Health) from the University of Michigan School of Public Health. She graduated summa cum laude from Michigan State University with a major in Sociology (Demography), where she was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa. She has also held faculty appointments at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School (Dallas), Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, the University of Oklahoma College of Public Health, and the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.

Research Interests

Dr. McFarlane’s research interests encompass public policy, health policy, and fiscal federalism.  Her substantive focus is global and U.S. population and reproductive health policy.

Recent Accomplishments

University of New Mexico Louie Award for Outstanding Service to Graduate and Undergraduate Students (2011).

Principal Investigator and Director, Population and Reproductive Health Oral History Project, funded by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, archived at the Sophia Smith Collection.

Selected Publications

McFarlane, Deborah R. 2015. "The Affordable Health Care Act and Abortion: Comparing the U.S. and Western Europe,” Politics and Life Sciences 34: 2 (September)pp. 52-70.

McFarlane, Deborah R. (Editor and author of 5 chapters). 2015. Global Population and Reproductive Health.  Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett, 2015.  Preview:

McFarlane, Deborah R.  2014. “Population Growth,” Chapter in Science and Politics: An A to Z Guide to Issues and Controversies, edited by Brent Steele. CQ Press/Sage Books.

McFarlane Deborah R and Rongal Nikora. 2014,"Chapter 23: Women’s Issues and the Place of Government Regulation (1960s- present). Guide to U.S. Healthcare Policy edited by Thomas Oliver. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Press/Sage Publications.

McFarlane, Deborah R. 2013.  “Reproductive Health Policies and Politics” Chapter 19 in James Morone and Daniel Ehlke, Health Politics and Policy, 5th Edition.  Cengage-Delmar Publishers.

Doan, Alesha E and Deborah R. McFarlane. 2012. “Saying No to Abstinence-Only Education, Publius: The Journal of Federalism 42:4, pp. 613-635.

McFarlane, Deborah R. 2006. “Reproductive Health Policies in President Bush’s Second Term: Old Battles and New Fronts,” Journal of Public Health Policy pp. 405-426.

McFarlane, Deborah R. and Kenneth J. Meier. 2001The Politics of Fertility Control: Family Planning and Abortion Policies in the American States.  Washington, D.C.: CQ Press.