Wendy L. Hansen


Photo: Wendy Hansen
(505) 277-2825
Curriculum vitae
SSCO 2045
Drop In Hours: 
SP25: Monday and Wednesday 10a-11:30a; 2p-3:30p
PhD, California Institute of Technology, 1988

Research Area/s:

International Relations,  Public Policy,  Methodology

Research Interests

Professor Hansen has broad research interests in political science and economics, focusing on the role that individuals, corporations and government institutions play in decision-making over a wide range of public policy issues, including international trade, human rights and reparations, and money in politics. She has a number of on-going projects including research on human rights violations and reparations in the aftermath of the Nepal civil war (1996-2006), corporate and individual political spending under Citizens United, campaign finance reform, and the evolution and impact of state abortion policies, among others.

Recent Accomplishments

Professor Hansen received a grant (with Professor Lonna Atkeson) from the Thornburg Foundation for research entitled, Public Financing: Evaluation, Performance and Impact on New Mexico Elections, August 2016 to August 2017. More broadly we are investigating the issue of campaign finance reform and its impact on the election environment, including voter attitudes towards reforms.

Selected Publications

NM Election Administration Reports

  • "Campaign Finance in US Politics: An Era Without Limits" in Changing How America Votes, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, In., March 2017.
  • “The Effects of Citizens United on Corporate Spending in the 2012 Presidential Election” The Journal of Politics, February 2015.
  • “Reparations and Reconciliation in the Aftermath of Civil War” Journal of Human Rights, December 2013.
  • “The Demand for Reparations: Grievance, Risk, and the Pursuit of Justice in Civil War Settlement” Journal of Conflict Resolution, April 2012.
  • “New Evidence for the Theory of Groups: Trade Association Lobbying in Washington D.C.” Political Research Quarterly, 62:2 June 2009.
  • “Futility and Free-Riding: Corporate Political Participation and Taxation Rates in the United States” Business and Politics, December 2008
  • “The Logic of Private and Collective Action” American Journal of Political Science, January 2005
  • “Purchasing Protection? The Effect of Political Spending on U.S. Trade Policy” Political Research Quarterly, March 2004